Senior Center News

Free Tax Prep Assistance
The Hopedale Sr. Center will hold free tax preparation clinics for Seniors and low to moderate income individuals on the following Thursdays: Thursdays (9 am - 2:30 pm) February 8, 15, 22, 29, 2024
March 7, 14, and 21, 2024
The procedure for the program is as follows:
1. Schedule an appointment.
2. Meet with a Tax-Aide volunteer to go through your documents.
3. A Tax-Aide volunteers will complete your Tax Return.
4. You and Tax-Aide volunteer will go over the Tax Return.
5. After you approve and sign the Tax Return, the document will be filed electronically.
Sign-up is required. Call (508)634-2208. You must speak to a Staff member to schedule an appointment. Please try to complete forms prior to your appointment.
Please bring the following documents if applicable:
Prior years’ tax returns, Social Security Benefit statement, W-2s, All income documents, Retirement Plan, IRA, and Brokerage statements. If you are filing for Circuit Breaker Credit a copy of your last three (3) years of Real Estate Tax bills and your Water and Sewer bills for the prior filing years.
If you are filing jointly, BOTH of you must be present to sign the tax return.
We're searching for Volunteers!
The hopedale senior center needs your help! Will you consider being a Hopedale Senior Center volunteer? It’s meaningful work and a lot of fun!
Individuals who have as few as 2 hours a month can help out at the Senior Center.
Volunteers work between the hours of 9:00 am to 3:00 pm weekdays. We especially need Meals on Wheels Drivers.
Call us at (508)634-2208.
Join us for a “Lunch and Learn” at the Hopedale Senior Center
How do I keep my home and property out of Probate Court?
Thursday, February 22, 2024 -12:00pm
Lunch- 2:00 pm - Presentation-12:45 pm
Listen as the nuts and bolts on how the Registry of Deeds and the Probate Court work together for the residents of Massachusetts.
Join us in a dialogue about land ownership and how probate issues can legally affect what happens to your property. We will provide introductory information and give an overview about Deeds, Homesteads, Trusts and Estates.
Lunch is: Choice of sandwich, (Roast Beef or Turkey club), chips, cookie, and coffee - $5.00 p.p.
Reservations required. Call the Senior Center at (508)634-2208. Payment is due at time of sign-up.
Presenters: Katherine Toomey, Registry of Deeds and Stephanie Fattman, Probate Court
Bucket List Workshop
An evening to explore what’s truly on your list
Presented by: Rosemary Tsacoyianis Rn, Ms
Rescheduled-Thursday February 8, 2024 - 7:00 pm
Hopedale senior center
43 Hope St. (community house) Hopedale
Adults of all ages welcome
Please register: 508-634-2208 - no charge