43rd Annual Hopedale Day in the Park
Sponsored by the Hopedale Cultural Council
In cooperation with the Hopedale Parks Department
And a grant from the Massachusetts Cultural Council
Saturday, Sept. 23
Rain date: Sunday, Sept. 24
Hopedale Town Park 10am-4pm
Over 45 Craft , Food, and Games Booths
Juried Art Show under the tent at the 3rd tennis court
10:00am – 4:00pm DJ Mike Rutkowski
Music, fun, and games at the bandstand
11:00am Rainforest Reptiles- basketball court Free!
11am-3pm Miniature painting with the Jolly Good Giant Free!
1pm-3pm Animal Craze Petting Zoo Free!
Behind the bandstand
Little Red Shop Museum – Open all day
The Hopedale Cultural Council is seeking volunteers for the Day in the Park on Saturday, Sept. 23.
Help is needed for early morning set up (7:30-9:30 am) and closing at 4pm.
Contact: [email protected].