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Hopedale - Local Town Pages

Members sought for Community Preservation Committee

By Theresa Knapp 
In 2020, Hopedale Town Meeting adopted the Community Preservation Act (and the bylaw passed in 2021), and now the committee to allocate those funds is being established. 
The CPC will consist of nine members, including four community members at large, and will make recommendations to the town on where to spend the money in areas of historical preservation, open space and recreation, and affordable housing. 
Interim Town Administrator Jeffrey Nutting said, “We really need four residents. It’s not a heavy lift but it’s critically important to take care of the issues that the community is facing in those areas.” 
Nutting said the town’s CPA account currently has approximately $180,000 in the account and could grow another $40,000 to $50,000 by the end of the fiscal year. 
To express interest in serving on the committee, complete a town Talent Bank Form on the town’s website
For more information on the bylaw, visit