Hopedale adopts Code of Conduct and Ethics for town boards and commissions
By Theresa Knapp
The Hopedale Select Board has adopted a “‘Unified Code of Conduct and Ethics for Town Officials’ as a standard for expectations of public officials.”
This document is in addition to the guidelines set forth by the Massachusetts State Ethics Commission for public boards and commissions.
The six-page document was drafted by Select Board member Louis Arcudi III after the public discussed conduct complaints with him during his individual Select Board office hours in December.
The document’s purpose statement states, “The intent of this policy is to establish a clear statement and guidelines to serve as the standard for achieving and maintaining a high level of public confidence, trust, and professional respect regarding how the Town and its officials conduct business. This policy will define and create a centralized policy regarding conduct and ethical standards.”
A draft was presented in January, was shared with other boards and commissions for comment, and then formally adopted by the Select Board at its meeting on Feb. 28.
The document includes many bullet points under obligations, relationships to fellow board members and other persons, and community responsibility.
Specific language asks board members to treat each other with respect, recognize the chief function of local government is to serve the best interests of all people, honor confidential information, and conduct themselves to maintain public confidence in their local government and in the performance of the public trust, etc.
Other guidelines include accepting differences of opinion as building blocks of the democratic process; treat others with personal respect and act in a civil manner toward them; concentrate all dialogue on the issue and refrain from personal criticism; and speak in a civil manner and not harass or bully citizens, other Board members, the Town Administrator, or employees; etc.
It also asks board members to accept the office of Select Board member as a means of unselfish public service with no intent to ‘play politics’ in any sense of the word, or to benefit personally from their Select Board activities.
Select Board Chair Brian Keyes said this new policy is not just for the Select Board but is for all boards and commissions. He said the document would be enforced by the Select Board and, if there were any issues within the Select Board, the board would police itself.
The policy specifically states:
Any Select Board member violating the Code of Conduct may be removed from Committee assignments and from Board assignments by the Chair and may be subject to public censure by the Select Board
During a meeting, the Chair may, after an initial warning, remove a member or citizen from a meeting who acts in an inappropriate manner, is unruly or disorderly
The full document can be found on the town website at https://bit.ly/3Ju76HM